... but rather than just sit at home and worry, I went out to IRM and did some more work on the 277.

First, though, I went to R&B in Woodstock and picked up the steel channels which they made for the 205. Now Frank should be able to make more progress on the cosmetic restoration.

On the way there, I noticed that the old Manufacturer's Junction caboose was looking worse than I remembered it, so I stopped to take a picture.

Then I spent some time painting ventilators for the 277, and finished two windows, as seen here. I also worked on cutting and preparing parts for fixing the hole in the roof of the 518, as pictured last time. And one 518 window was missing its hardware, so the correct parts were located and installed.
Wondered what you post had to do with nail biting and then realized I'm sitting here nervous for the same reason!
Well, as I've told many a client when the jury goes out, you've done all you can do, and at this point, you shouldn't worry, because it's in the hands of others.
When will the results be known?
We believe the results will be determined on Friday (tomorrow) and Nick will be in Cleveland for the "reading of the will." I will post what I can as soon as possible, although I will be spending all day Saturday helping to control the chaos of World War II.
Do you have your Civil Defense helmet and whistle ready for Saturday?
I believe that the bids are being opened at 9A EDT tomorrow. Nick had promised to call with the results.
We are all referring to the IOC and the 2016 Olympics bid decision right?
That's right. I hear Rio de Janeiro will get several rusted-out Shaker PCCs as a consolation prize.
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