We're working hard to prepare for the Illinois Terminal Society meet on April 30th, and everybody is invited. This means you. Please be as numerous as possible, and bring lots of spare cash to donate. (If you can.)

After two or three hours of chiseling and fitting, I finished the replacement window post sections on the 277 as seen here. I would like to wait for a warmer day and paint everything before final assembly. To the right is a test fitting of the metal plate which will cover the double post; we also have the two vertical metal trim pieces for each side. Now that's it's essentially done, I guess I can say that was fun!
And I don't usually like to admit to being a chiseler, but it's for a good cause.


hen it was time to look at the 518. There was a section of window sill that had rotted out, as seen here. Actually, I'm afraid there's more that needs to be replaced, but not today. I brought out my chisels again and started turning this wood into kindling.

I was surprised to find that the sills had been installed with cut nails. I don't think I'll reproduce this detail, although cut nails are still available. (R) It was a big relief to find that the structural wood under the sills was in good condition.

Lots of other IT work is being done. All of the windows from the 518 are being repainted by
Danielle and maybe others. A few of them are seen here on the bench.

Joel has repainted all of the baggage racks for the 277.

Max is installing the lights for the new shop extension, helped today by Henry Vincent. Here we see Max on the platform drilling holes for attaching the fixtures.
Tim was working on parts for the 1797, as usual. Here he is painting one of the many new window frames.

He also helped me with rabbeting the window sill section for the 518, since the dimensions are slightly different from the 277.
So we're putting our heated shop facilities to good use. Of course, we could always use more help!
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