Saturday, November 3, 2012

36 Report

The process of stripping and repainting the 36 continued at its usual pace today; I was able to finish stripping, then sand and put a first coat of primer on sectors 15-18, as seen here.  It's going well, and no major issues to report.
 Jeff Brady was working on the 28, as usual, and took the time to come over and look at the 36.  We talked about various issues with the restoration.
 Lots of other things were going on, of course.  Among other things, the silver cars were switched back into their place on 51 now that Terror is officially over.  And I talked to Bob Kutella about the wood for the third rail beams.

 Meanwhile, Tim Peters is making tremendous progress on the 4412 roof job.  In the last two days he has tacked down both sides of the canvas, as seen here.  Rod timed him, and when things are set up, he can tack down the canvas at a rate of one foot in five minutes, or 12 feet per hour.  He says presumably when this was being done in the old days, one man could tack down a roof in one day.  

So he's well on his way to finishing this job by Thanksgiving, on the advertised.  You have to see it to believe it.

There's always plenty of work to be done over the winter.  Come on out and join the fun!

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