... at an interchange track near you. I'm told this was acquired as a parts source. Details to follow. Remember, you saw it here first!

Photos by Bob Olson
News and views of progress at the Illinois Railway Museum
Posted by
Randall Hicks
8:09 AM
An anonymous reader writes:
"Thank you for posting the photo of MBTA 902 (ex-SEMTA 902). I'd like to share with you a few points of interest related to this locomotive. The GP units used by SEMTA were the last group of locomotives rebuilt with steam generators for revenue passenger service. I personally would like to see this unit before its parted out to look for evidence of the steam generator and other appliances.
"SEMTA was one of 4 commuter rail services abandoned in their entirety after 1980. Of those services, SEMTA had the largest schedule and fleet. Amazingly, MBTA 902 unit retains most of its SEMTA paint scheme - the MBTA lettering even followed the SEMTA font. Here's a link to the 902 at the end of SEMTA service.
"Do you know what the timeline is for parting this unit out?"
I remember this unit well. When I was in college in Boston I worked as an intern for the Chief Mechanical Officer, Walter Mark. I remember when these units were acquired from SEMTA. The units were in good condition and were only re lettered rather than doing a complete repaint. They were used mostly on the north side in trains that consisted of RDCs with one engine on each car for electricity and heat / ac. Should be a nice addition to your collection.
Chris Chestnut
The unit was originally GTW 4932
Its a nice engine. It would be a shame to waste it. It might look good with the CN and GT passenger cars at the museum.
not sure if my talented left thumb deleted my last post before I sent it - so i apologize if a duplicate.
A post on the IRM Yahoo group identifies the 902 as GTW 4915. Not my post and I have no independent information.
I think the last time IRM received an engine for parts - CNW 4160 the incredible diesel department made it operable - and it's been a standard at the museum for quite some time. I believe that it awaits restoration as a RI unit?
I wonder if the same fate awaits the 902 - or is this one really for parts?
Regarding Chris's comment: I don't think there is any shame in using an engine that has had a catastrophic electrical fire and won't run again without major work for parts. There is a reason the MBTA got rid of it! How else do you propose to fix the 3 or 4 engines that will benefit from its parts? R. W. Schauer
Interesting possibilities with this unit. If IRM acquires a "chop-nose" GP9 someday, it could back-date it to its original, high, short hood appearance with this loco.
I didn't know about a fire. That might make it toast. Still there are a lot of junky, chopped GPs out there. This one looks like a nicer "passenger" one, but maybe there's less modified ones around if IRM wanted one.
I saw this running today during the Diesel weekend. I assume this means a decision was made not to use it as a parts source and instead to restore her?
It wasn't running; it was dead in tow. It still has significant internal problems and I do not believe there has been any change in the plans to part it out.
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