A satisfying amount of painting was done in the car over the past few days. I won't dwell on the details, all the sanding and surface prep and so on, but you can see the results.
A first coat of the middle color in the first section, and a second coat of the lower color on the smoker bulkhead.

First primer on various parts of the second section, and several window shade tracks. All the window shade tracks later got first finish color.

And then first finish color on the lower parts of the first section, including the corner seats with their fancy turned legs.
And first finish on the lower parts of the ceiling in the first section, and parts of the second.
OK, now let's see something really exciting: hot riveting! Tim and Gerry riveted together the new metal parts of the east platform for the 24 on Tuesday.
We're not doing enough rivets to justify the use of a furnace, so Gerry heats each one up with a torch.
Once it's red hot, his assistant (the project manager) deftly moves it into place with blinding speed.
And at the same time Gerry picks up the riveter and peens over the end of the red-hot rivet:

Tim has to drill a few more holes, and the assembly now looks like this.
Meanwhile, the contractor was working on finishing the new floor sections on the baldy.
A recent acquisition, NJ Transit #4 has been temporarily moved outside, making better pictures possible. This car will be restored to its original identity as a Twin Cities car.
Henry Vincent is hard at work tallying up the hours worked by all the operating crews. He also does this on a regular basis for all the time sheets filled out by volunteers. Whew!
Lettering the 810.
This week's mystery. What is it?