Friday, August 23, 2019

Larry Konsbruck Memorial Service

Larry Konsbruck, the son of long time and deceased member Bob Konsbruck, passed away on August 3 and his family will have a remembrance of Larry's life at IRM on Sunday August 25 starting at 5PM at the Central Avenue Pavilion. Larry worked alongside his father at IRM for many years on a wide variety of projects over the years including giving IRM its very first proper electric substation to allow the correct operation of IRM's collection of electric railway equipment.
Illinois Terminal streetcar 415 has been made available for the memorial service and will make a trip around the streetcar loop after 5PM and may also take a mainline trip if the family desires this. The car line trip will start at Central Avenue. The memorial service is open to all IRM members, as is the streetcar ride to the extent the car's capacity allows.  Larry's family obviously have first right to the seats in IT 415 for the remembrance trips.
Ray Weart
Illinois Railway Museum

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