Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Tuesday Report

To begin with, today let's pay a visit to the Multi-Purpose Building, which we haven't seen for a while.  Contractors have been busy on the interior of the building, though, and it's looking much more complete.  A painter was at work, so the lights were on and it was no problem to get around.

So that's very encouraging.

Now it's time to get back to the 453.  It was relatively warm today, so some of the barn doors were open to let the cold air out.

We've run out of wooden canvas clamps, but the nice new metal ones work just as well, if not better.  I finished clamping the canvas side-to-side at the east end of the car:

Tim later looked at it and agreed that we should soon be ready to start tacking.

Photo by Jon Fenlaciki

And there was time to work on the 18, also.   Frank had asked me to put black paint on the recently-constructed can for the rear light.

And then we have more windows to do.  A couple of views at home:

The outside surface of the upper rails generally needs to be stripped.  I meant to start painting the rebuilt windows, but I forgot to bring a good brush, so it was back to the roof.

And that's it for today.  Sorry, I didn't get any pictures of what the other guys were doing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is there any projected eta for the opening of the multipurpose building?
C Kronenwetter