Thursday, February 11, 2021

Wednesday update

Many thanks to Jon Fenlaciki and Bill Wulfert for sending along some photos they took in the car shop on Wednesday. First off, some photos from Jon:

Here's Pete Galayda, with Henry Vincent in the background, working on doors for North Shore 160. It was pointed out last weekend by Zach that a North Shore coach has no fewer than 13 doors and may have as many as 15. (That's quite a difference from the grand total of three doors on Shaker Heights 18!) QUIZ TIME: Can you figure out where all of them are?

The doctor is IN!

And here are some update photos sent by Bill:

Bill: "Frank Kehoe was busy needle chipping the Baldwin motor truck that will be used under CRT 1754. It is getting a complete overhaul."

Bill: "Henry Vincent just finished stripping the bottom paint off of 160s cab makeup door. The top half will just require a good sanding before painting."

Bill: "Jon Fenlaciki is buffing some aluminum brackets that were recently cast for the rear windows of Indiana Railroad 65.  They need to be drilled out, and aluminum rods will be attached."

Bill took a walk over to the 50th Avenue station and snapped a few photos of the ticket booth in the station. This plywood booth, likely installed by the CTA, will soon be replaced by the older-style booth Tim has built. It's obviously newer and of less refined construction compared with the original parts of the station. Wags at IRM have called me newer and less refined than the original, too, but I digress...

Bill: "The exit door was removed from 50th Avenue on February 3rd.  Those were replacement doors built many years ago, but there were some cracks and water damage in places. The doors get a lot of Sun since they have a Southern exposure. The door has been repaired and has received some wooden slats that protect the glass, which show up in station door pictures. The entrance door will be done next."

And here's some exciting progress on the 18:

Bill: "The small metal tabs were attached to the end of Shaker 18s front sign by me. The sign roll is ready for installation, once the inside of the sign box is painted, weather permitting."


Unknown said...

Well, let's see. 2 end doors, 4 boarding doors, 2 motorman compartment doors, 2 vestibule doors, and one restroom door? If there is a smoker, one more.
C Kronenwetter

Anonymous said...

And 4 trap doors. O Anderson

Frank Hicks said...

Well, trap doors weren't figured into the original count, so if they're included you'll need between 17 and 19 doors total. I think all of the North Shore cars have a smoker. And this is the easy one. For the real challenge, can you name all of the windows on the 309? Depending on how you look at it, the car has at least 107 of them, maybe as high as 137. That's not pieces of glass, that's window sash.

Randall Hicks said...

Actually, I make it 144. And I ought to know, I refinished or replaced nearly all of them myself. (Hint: don't forget the first aid and wrecking tool boxes!)

Randall Hicks said...

Correction: after corresponding with Frank, I confess to doing some double counting. We agree on a total of 139. Hope that helps.

Josh Sutherland said...

Does IRM not have a mask mandate anymore? I'd like to assume at least that this is the extant of y'alls interaction with other people outside of essential trips. I just don't want people important to the museum and it's operation to get sick is all.

Frank Hicks said...

Masks are still required while working in close proximity, i.e. less than 6'. Everyone tries to stay a little further apart these days for everyone's safety.