Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Raising the Roof

(Well, not the roof, the work platform...)  More pictures from Gregg about his work on the IT line car:

This is the lower area where the lift posts sit that raise the work platform. There's a beam across the bottom that connects the posts. Above that is a metal bar also bolted to the posts. Connected to the bar is a brace that angles up on the posts. A cable is attached to it which runs over to the other side.

On the other side we see the posts and hardware as described earlier on the other side. However, there is an added component. A 'coffin hoist' is attached between the ceiling and the cross bracing at the bottom. When you rachet up the hoist, it lifts the posts, thus raising the platform above the roof. It's like grabbing a table by the legs near the floor and lifting it up in the air.

Meanwhile, up on the roof, the very end has some small flat boards applied where it slopes down. Another layer will be applied over these to get the required thickness. Later the outer edge will be trimmed up where the tack molding needs to meet it.

Another view of the end of the roof at the #1 end of the car. Notice the main power cable protruding and hanging down alongside of the car.

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