Monday, August 21, 2023

Beat the Heat

Frank writes...

We've had a pretty mild summer so far, all things considered, but Sunday was a bit different - the high was 94. That's not ideal for roof work, since it's probably 15 or 20 degrees warmer "upstairs" in the barn than at ground level. But I wanted to get that final coat of paint on the 18's roof so I got out to the museum early, before it got too hot.
So there you go - a freshly painted roof and the plastic taken down from around the car. Many thanks to Joel, Greg, and Matthew for their help with all of this! The masking tape didn't work perfectly, and there are some spots on the letterboard where the thin roof paint ran down behind the roof-edge bead strip, but I need to strip and repaint the letterboard at some point anyway so this isn't a big problem. Stay tuned to see how it looks out in the sunlight!

1 comment:

Kirk Warner said...

The roof looks excellent. Keep up the good work