Monday, August 7, 2023


Here's another unusual find from the Brookins collection.  It's a piping and wiring diagram from the North Shore.  The car type is not specified, but it has treadle controls and door engines and so on, so it's obviously not an interurban car:

And it's dated 1927, so I suspect it's for the 354 series cars.  And the CA&E presumably needed it for their car 500, which was nearly identical.  So this might be quite useful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I worked on 354 reupholstering all the seats, never getting a chance to ride on them. The car sat for a long time with weird issues on its door engines, as I recall they would sometimes close at unwanted times. While I presume that issue was since fixed, I am sure this diagram will be useful to be certain all is well. O Anderson