Thursday, August 3, 2023

Thursday News

First of all, let's see how the paving projects are going.

Museum Drive (above) now looks like a county highway -- or better.   And below, we see the intersection of Railroad Ave. and Museum Drive.  Striping was going on all over the property, by the way.  They striped Central all the way east to the park, among other things.

And here's the short section of Central between Depot St. and the tracks.


They will start milling operations on South Union Rd. north from the circle on Monday the 7th.  So you might want to consider an alternate route.

Now back to the news....

I spent most of the day checking on various things on the wood cars, cleaning, checking lubrication, fixing a couple of seats, etc.   Nothing to take a picture of.  Just wait till Sunday!

Tim spent most of the day on the roof.

Norm continues to work on the wiring for the 306.  Here you can see what a rat's nest of wires we have hanging out from the end.  The wires have labels attached, but none of the labels have any legible information.  It will all be replaced in any case, although we can probably reuse the connectors.

Norm explains all the details.  We should point out that the wiring for these K controllers is much more complex than you might expect if you've never worked on one of these cars.

I don't know if I ever included a picture of the 308's bad motor, which is now sitting outside Barn 4.  This gives you a good idea of how large the pinions are on these high-speed machines.

And here's where the hole was blasted through the commutator.

We're waiting to get some motor-repair issues settled to our satisfaction before we send out one of these GE-66's to be refurbished for service under the 308.  Please be patient.

Finally, in non-railroad news, I brought in a big old tube radio that belongs to Frank for Buzz to look at.

It hums a little, but that's about it.  Buzz suspects a bad tube, so he'll be looking into it.

That's what friends are for.


Anonymous said...

Radios of that age probably need to have all of their capacitors replaced to start with. Look on YouTube for a series called Mr Carlson's Lab. He has a hobby of restoring these beasts. Bad tunes are just a part of the problem.

Josh Reynolds said...

I just happen to have a tube tester, if you'd like me to bring it and check that radio out. I agree that the capacitors might be bad; the old ones had the ends sealed with wax, which can get brittle over the years and let he electrolyte out and the air in.