Thursday, October 5, 2023

Wednesday Sample

Wednesday was another busy day at IRM, with just a few of the things going on presented here.

Here Pete is painting new window frames for the Pennsy tool car.

And Gregg continues to make good progress on the IT line car.  He'll probably have another report for us soon.

Tim is installing ceiling panels in the 1808.  His cleverly designed frames hold the panels in place for gluing.

And I've been working on windows for the Shaker Heights 18.  We'll have more about this part of the project soon.

Fritz and Phil spent much of their time preparing styrofoam panels for the Barn 4 rebuilding project.

And here the first pair of folding doors has been installed on the 306.  It looks great!

I worked for a while on the Jewell Road shelter.  I must admit I'm starting to wonder whether this effort is really worth it.

Be that as it may, since I was in the area I went over to Barn 10 to see the tool car.

The interior doesn't look bad at all, for a tool car.

This pile of lumber for the siding has been in the car since we got it from Charlie Sheets.

Also at Barn 10, one of the Coach Dept. guys was hard at work needle-chipping.  I didn't want to interrupt the work to ask his name.

Finally, a lot of new concrete was poured in front of the North Western building as part of the westward extension of Main Street.  Very impressive!

And as usual, this is just a sample of what was going on.  For instance, it's impossible to predict where the Track Dept. guys will be working on any particular day or hour, but they're always busy somewhere.


Jason Ducek said...

Any idea on when the old White Castle will be reconstructed on Main Street? And how would I go about donating $ for that specific cause? I’d like to help one way or another.

Randall Hicks said...

That's an excellent question, and I hope Dave Diamond will be able to answer it. I don't know if White Castle has its own restricted fund.