A couple of weeks ago Joel sent out the revenue mileage report for 2024, and I thought some of our readers might find it mildly interesting. This, of course, only covers electric cars and revenue service miles - I'm not sure how the other departments track mileage. And the winner is...
2,135 - CNS&M 714
2,013 - CNS&M 749
1,609 - CA&E 431
1,421 - CTA 3142
748 - CA&E 460
506 - CTA 4410
506 - CTA 4412
442 - CRT 1797
409 - CTA 4391
404 - CRT 1754
282 - CA&E 309
260 - CA&E 319
246 - ComEd 4
231 - IT 101
190 - CRT 1268
187 - CSL 1374
153 - CSL 144
107 - VC 19
100 - IT 277/518/234
These were followed (in order) by IT 1565, NWERR 24, IT 415, CA&E 308, IR 65, SHRT 18, CTA 4290, IT 1702, and C&WT 141. For the CA&E woods, this was the 308's first appearance on the mileage report since 2019 - it had 50 revenue miles put on it over the course of Vintage Transport Extravaganza, of course as a control trailer. Shaker Heights 18 notched 32 miles. The 36 is currently out of service until we can replace a broken leaf spring on its trailer truck; watch this space for updates on that project.
This brings up a perfect opportunity to ask a question; how could I plan a visit to the museum to ensure a ride in the C&WT 141? Especially since it appears to run very seldom?
Love the blog Frank! Keep up the good work!
There are a few minor items we are working through on the car. Keep an eye on the IRM website. Generally traction weekend or fourth of July would be good days to look. Also, showcase.
Joel Ahrendt
Fascinating and significant. Over 12,000 miles on about 137 days is 88 miles per service day on average. It speaks to a high quality maintenance program that this can be sustained, particularly with the regulars service cars. Some of the lower mileage units may always need to be lower mileage, just due to condition. At least they do not get "Sit-itis!" Would love to see a few more low mileage special cars run on occasion. I have yet to ride the 354, although I helped for a season with its interior restoration. O. Anderson
Thanks for the advice Joel, regarding the 141! Will do….I appreciate it!
Exactly how does IRM keep track of mileage?
Every time an electric car is taken out for operation on the streetcar line or main line, the operator is responsible for filling out a “car card” that among other things tracks the number of trips, notes times in and out of service, and provides a way of reporting mechanical defects. Cards are turned in to the Electric Car Dept and Joel enters the mileage and defects into the computer. One of the things our volunteers are doing now are working through the list of minor defects from various cars during 2024 operating season. Major defects, of course, are addressed right away!
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