The Electroliner has been moved over to the pit track in Barn 4 for electrical work. Now that the barn is longer than before, the Liner can be moved back and forth over the pit and still be under cover. Norm and Zach were working on checking out the traction motors. They still need some maintenance and repairs.
And here are a couple of views of the underbody equipment.
I spent some time adjusting the new locking mechanism for the 460. This will be much more convenient for operating crews than having to climb up to a train door to unlock the chain.
Bill was cleaning up L roll signs, and also a card table from the CA&E. This may go into the 460.
And of course, several other projects were being worked on. I can't be everywhere at once.
What is the sizing of the lettering on the CRT roll sign?
The letters on this roller curtain are 2 7/8" high. They are rather short in order to display the ROUTE and LOCAL or EXPRESS. These small signs were used in the ACF cars such as 1268, 1797 & 1808. The later North Side Pullman cars also had small signs. This was probably due to the size of the upper sash. Early pictures of these cars show only the route name, all on one line. The 24 and 1754 have an actual sign box with bigger letters. The ACF cars just have a frame with glass and a crank. And we always appreciate when people identify themselves when asking a question.
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