Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Start to Finish

On Tuesday I could finally start to finish the interior of the Jewell Road shelter with a first coat of the interior paint.  I think it looks quite good, and with modern technology, paint matching generally gives excellent results.  The lower part of the wall got a coat of white primer first, so it was still wet.

The next picture was taken before I started working on the east wall (on the right).  Of course, these phone-camera pictures are not as good as seeing it in person.  But if you don't like this match, you're pretty hard to please.

I got permission to remove a large section from a different shelter that had been in the way, so I was able to start working on the interior east wall.

And parts of the roof:

And finally, the east wall started to get white primer:

So that was rewarding.  Meanwhile, I wasn't able to get many pictures of what else was going on, but several of the usual weekday guys were at their usual weekday work.  Frank Kehoe brought out the patterns we talked about yesterday, but I think they've already been identified, so I won't bother with more pictures.

But here's the current status of the 1268 interior:

Tim is hard at work preparing the veneer for the center ceiling.  He had this made on special order.  Getting it stained and varnished properly is a challenge.

Here are some views of his laboratory.  Various combinations of stain, sealer, varnish, and so on are being tested by our trained expert technicians.  Or one of him, at least.

Eventually it will look great!

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