Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Trip To Cleveland

Last Friday, Norm Krentel was generous enough to take a day off from work and drive to Cleveland and back (in one day) to pick up some essential parts for one of our cars. This was a lot of driving, and we can't thank him enough! I should have mentioned this before.

While CA&E 36 was in the RTA shops at Cleveland, all of the contactors were removed from the boxes, and three of them were sent by the Lake Shore Electric group to Redmond-Waltz, an electrical contracting firm, for analysis and quotes on rebuilding. However, Redmond-Waltz were never paid for their work and could no longer make contact with anybody. Fortunately, we were able to learn where the three missing contactors had gone and arrange for their return. Without them, we would be unable to complete the control system correctly.

In other news, the difficulties and delays we experienced in moving our cars to IRM were as nothing compared to what some of the other groups have encountered. Due to the weather, it was only today that the last two CA&E cars, 303 and 453, left Brook Park. The 303 is going to Warehouse Point, but has been embargoed at Scranton due to the snow, as I understand. The 453 is en route to Scranton, but may not make it. And the OX is still at Cleveland. Best wishes for a safe journey!


Tim Lesniak said...

We have not had the best luck at all getting our car 303 from Trolleyville. We have been plagued with delays for the past month. The car is currently sitting in Scranton. We are awaiting the permit to travel in Connecticut, but the state of Connecticut will not issue the permit due to impending weather. The kicker each winter storm that has caused this move to be delayed has been much weaker than forecasted.

Anonymous said...

Hi all:

The latest word is that 303 and 453 are parked in Scranton at this point. Connecticut would not issue over size permits today due to weather conditions. Of course if they looked out the window rather than at the weather man they would have seen rain rather than snow was falling. We are hoping they will now look out the window tomorrow morning and maybe we can get this car move completed. This has been the most drawn out move due to delays that I have evr been involved in. I am sure others have war stories as bad.

Chris Chestnut

Gwyn Stupar said...

I'm so glad we have so many helpful volunteers who were able to drop everything at the drop of a hat and go to Cleveland on short notice. It really shows the commitment of the car department as a whole. Thanks for the post, Randy!