Time is running out to do everything you needed to do this year, such as make contributions that can be deducted on this year's taxes. And think of some New Year's resolutions that might actually be achievable.

The square frame is the rocker arm, with its two bearings. In front is one of the insulated contact boards, which was removed at Cleveland because it had a piece broken off at one corner. And then there's a pile of the contact fingers.
With Tim's help, I mixed some epoxy and glued the piece back together; the break was at the upper left corner. It was left to set up on the table.
The metal parts all need to be cleaned, and the contact boards need to be repainted with Glyptal. Then it can probably be re-assembled.

The metal parts all need to be cleaned, and the contact boards need to be repainted with Glyptal. Then it can probably be re-assembled.

It is great to see work starting on that car.
I believe it is tied with #20 for being the oldest C,A & E car still with us. Or is it known which of them is older?
Ted Miles
IRM Member
Thanks, Ted.
#20 is undoubtedly older. It was one of the first six cars, delivered on July 29, and was used on the first day of revenue service, August 25, 1902. The 36 was probably finished late in 1902, and delivered during the first couple of weeks in 1903. The exact date is unknown. If Larry Plachno couldn't determine it, I sure can't. But from the standpoint of 110 years later, I suppose you could say it's a virtual tie.
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