OK, folks, now that Christmas is over and you've taken most of your presents back to the store to trade them in for what you really wanted, it's time to start thinking about the next exciting IRM event: the World's Greatest Hobby Show is coming to Schaumburg, and our Museum will be one of the exhibitors there. The dates are January 14 and 15, and we need people to man the booth on both days. Ed Rosengren is in charge, and you can contact him to sign up.
I'm planning to be there. The show is sold out to exhibitors, so we were lucky to get a complimentary booth. It's a good thing I happen to know someone who works for WGH. And by mere chance, we'll be at booth 309. I just hope I can remember that number....
We did this four years ago, the last time WGH was in the Chicago area, and had a lot of fun, as you can see here. That was so long ago, it's before this blog started. Mark your calenders now, you won't want to miss this exciting show!
What a concept!! What is planned for the Booth? Pics maybe of the annual July 4th outdoor model railroad at IRM? Maybe a plug for the layout we are now dismantling and moving? Do you need some equipment to display? I have a small trolley module in N Scale and it would be very different to have a large scale trolley beside it. Do we have to pay the $10 admission to work or help in the booth?
Bob Kutella
Well, Bob, I'm sure you don't have to pay the admission price if you're one of the exhibitors. I still have my exhibitor badge from last time. As for the rest, you need to contact Ed. He's in charge.
I always thought how cool it would be for one of the railroad/trolley museums to have a locomotive or trolley mock-up sitting there for people to climb in and play motorman or engineer. It would be less than full size and made of lightweight materials, but it would be eye-catching and fun! Of course it would need an operating headlight and marker lights.
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