Saturday, September 29, 2012

36 Report

 Just like Wheaton!  Well, more or less....

Anyhow, today was pretty much more of the same.  Of course, the Museum was open for revenue operations with the 714 and 749, the coach train, and the 3142.  Back in Barn 8, I sanded down and applied filler as needed at the #1 end, then gave it a second coat of brown primer.  Next time I can can paint it blue, and that end will be done until we're ready for the final coat.  And I spent a lot of time stripping paint and sanding down the various surfaces at the #2 end.  There are plenty of nooks and crannies.

Norm Krentel and I took some time to take an inventory of various electrical control system parts we have in storage, which was interesting.  And I had a chance to check the tarp on the 321.  Are you bored yet?  Keep reading!

Now that the Zephyr excursion is part of IRM's proud history, everybody's getting excited about the swiftly-approaching Reign of Terror!  Or maybe that's Train of Terror, I can't remember.  In any case, you'll have a frightfully good time -- if you show up.  If you don't, we'll all know you're a sniveling, lily-livered, yellow-bellied coward.  And you don't want that, do you?


Joel Ahrendt said...

And Just remember. The last three nights of Terror on the Railroad will have a nice 101 year old Electric Engine pulling the moving train.

Anonymous said...

If only it weren't so hard to make a pun out of Robespierre

Randall Hicks said...

Do zees tren go Danton?