Sunday, October 21, 2012

36 Report

 Most of the day was spent stripping, sanding, and painting another two sectors of the lower siding on the aisle side of the car.  I wanted to do more, but the cord on our heat gun gave out, due to the constant use we've been putting it to, I suppose.  They just don't make 'em like they used to. 

And Frank needle-chipped one of the retrievers, and it was later painted with a first coat of brown primer, at the same time as the siding.  And we looked at the underbody some more, and I checked what needs to be done on the roof.

Our friend Jeff Hakner was visiting from Branford, and Frank will have a much longer post on what he was doing.


Joel Ahrendt said...

Does this mean I should have two Brown Retreivers ready as well. I need to get Scott G. working on retreivers again so I can get Blue and Brown ones painted up for spares.

Randall Hicks said...

Of course, the retrievers for the 36 will be painted blue. I would think spares should be painted black, so they would fit in with almost any paint scheme and not be too obvious.