As usual, there's lots to talk about, and the hard part is deciding what to talk about first.
Gregg Wolfersheim put in a lot of effort to clean up and paint the replacement ventilators for the 36. Here are his views of the progress, followed by one of them installed in the car.

This is really a big help!

Over in Barn 4, Norm is continuing work on the 28. New steel plates are being fabricated to rebuild the front end of the car, much of which rusted out during its many years as a cottage. Luckily, we have blueprints for this car to help in its reconstruction.

Meanwhile, it looks like the front end is missing even more parts than it did last time we looked. That's pretty frustrating -- you just turn your back, and all this vandalism occurs. (Not really, of course....)
Tim is reupholstering the motorman's seat, which is hinged to the car in the motorman's compartment.

Another view of the east end, which is coming together rapidly.

And this is the steel plate for the bumper, which needs some more holes drilled, and can then be attached.

Rich Block and Bill Wulfert were putting the 4146 back together. Here the motorman's cab door is being installed. Real progress is being made on this car!

And meanwhile, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas over in the diner annex! We're getting ready for Happy Holidays Railway, which will have some improvements this year.
People were hard at work cleaning up the bilevels for this event.
And our newest trolley bus was being test-run again, but I didn't get a picture of it. Anyway, it should be fun.

Back in the 36, I did more sanding and painting. The next set of window shade tracks were taken to the wood shop and stripped.
If you're in this area, be sure to tell your friends and neighbors with little children about the Happy Holidays event. It's new and improved, and we should be able to handle increased numbers of passengers with ease and comfort. The cars will be heated at no extra charge!