Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Downtown San Francisco

While staying with a cousin in the Bay Area, we naturally wanted to visit the city.  There's lots of things to see and do, but for now I'll naturally concentrate on a cable car ride.  We also rode a PCC and a trolley bus, and saw many more.

First, we see several cars lined up at the bottom of Hyde St., waiting to enter the depot and be turned for the reverse trip.

One of the cars on the turntable:

Looking down at the grip mechanism:

Looking out the front as we go up the hill:

San Francisco has some unusual architecture:

The overhead wire installation is very impressive, due to the high density of both streetcar and trolley bus routes along Market St.  At this point, Market has ten parallel wires above the street that any cross routes have to intersect:

Finally, being in the museum business, as we were walking along we came to this "Museum of Ice Cream".  Do they display preserved ice cream?

I keep meaning to start a list of all the bizarre museums I've come across in my travels.  For instance, a museum of concrete, a museum of soap, of hand fans, and so on.  My favorite, though, has got to be the American Sanitary Plumbing Museum in Worcester, Mass.  The jokes just write themselves.

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