Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Mizerocki Photo Collection

Photographs by Ed Mizerocki taken at North Chicago and at Union.  Some of the photos are dated on the back, but the writing is not always legible.
Identifications by Norm Krentel are in red (left to right unless noted)

First, we have a collection of over a hundred 3x5 prints, mostly B&W but some color.  The only notations on the back are occasional dates.  These are roughly in chronological order; the early ones are at North Chicago, and then there are views of the development of the Union site, up until the construction of the Boot Creek trestle.

#1. 6-28-58
Second from right: Gordon Geddes

#2. 6-28-58
Second from right: Gordon Geddes







#9.  9-5-59

#10.  5-10-58
On right: Howard Odinius

#11.  6-28-58
(Photo #12 is a duplicate of #11)

On left: Bob Konsbruck, working on contactor box for the 65

#13.  6-28-58
Bob Konsbruck

#14.  10-26-57

#15. 10-26-57


#17.  9-16-59
On left: Dick Lukin

#18.  8-9-58



#21: 1959

On platform: Jeff Brady

#23: Carl Gustafson




#27:  5-28-61

#28:  5-28-61

#29: 7-1-61
Professional painter, unknown, Dave Shore








On ladder: Warren Cobb; with Les Ascher?




Newly installed interchange switch on the North Western

Larry Repp, unk, Carl Gustafson, unk, Warren Cobb

First train to Union made up at North Chicago

First train approaching CA&E bridge at Wheaton

First train on arrival at Union; interchange track in foreground

Second train in West Chicago yard

Second train in West Chicago yard




Track construction heading eastward


Looking west from about Olson Rd. towards end of track

#53: 8-10-65


Car 65 on trailer; looking north on Olson, trailer is on Hemmingsen Road and will have to back across the North Western onto the IRM right-of-way.  Photo by Norman Krentel

CSL 144 on trailer, at CHF gate house on its way to Union.   Photo by Norman Krentel

#57:  10-15-64

Looking west towards Olson Road

Looking east from Olson

Norman Krentel painting trolley pole for 415



Bob Rayunec in foreground


Norm Krentel, Randy Anderson, Warren Cobb

Junk pile on IRM right of way just east of Olson


Herb Hanson, unk, Carl Gustafson





#73:  2-5-65

#74:  2-5-65



#77:  6-14-65

#78:  6-14-65


Bob Rayunec unloading rail components

#80: 6-12-65?



From left: John Whitfield, Leo Bullard, and Bob Rayunec dumping rock with a wheelbarrow.

#84:  6-18-65


#86:  6-19-65

#87:  6-19-65



#90:  8-7-65
#91:  8-7-65










(Photo #102 appears to be missing.)



#105:  1-8-66
Dave Shore

Dave Shore




Then, there are 17 8x10 B&W prints, all taken at North Chicago.  Most of these do not have useful information on the back either, but there are exceptions.  These were not numbered or in any order, so I have assigned arbitrary numbers to this group.  I have added some comments in italics.

#201: The 1960 Annual Meeting
Walter Murphy? with bow tie, unknown, Larry Goerges, Ray Neuhaus, Connie Morrell

#202: The highlight of the railfan year of 1961 -- the IERM MD trip on the North Shore.
MD car 229 pushing/pulling trailer 193.  Howard Odinius was the motorman.  The 229 is in the Museum collection and still operable.

#203: The highlight of the railfan year of 1961 -- the IERM MD trip on the North Shore. April 23, 1961.

Bob Bruneau, Bob Barth, Charlie King

Jim Fox, 2 unknown, Dave Shore, Warren Cobb

Bill McGregor in doorway, George Clark in raincoat

#207: George Clark

#208: Cleaning out the 1129, another seat going into the boxcar.  
Warren Cobb, Larry Goerges

#209: L to R: Bob Bruneau, Dave Shore, Bill McGregor

#210: Sandblasting the 972 in preparation for painting

#211: Warren Cobb effecting repairs on some of the support equipment.

Ken Stendler on right

George Clark

#214: Jeff Brady in action.   Covering the windows of the 277 prior to sandblasting.

#215: Illinois Terminal 277 is ready for sandblasting.

#216: Painting North Shore 354 with a professional painter.
Dave Shore on right

Howard Odinius in center, Bob Barth, Dave Shore on right


Anonymous said...

Did the loco in the first picture make it to IRM? What is/was it?

Randall Hicks said...

That's the famous "2-Spot", a home-made contraption which Sherwin had made out of various spare parts including streetcar windows and doors. It served as a shop switcher for the foundry and then for IERM. There was no reason to take it along to Union, so I imagine it was scrapped after the move. I'm wondering now if it should be on the deaccession list.

Frank Hicks said...

Scott Greig may have more information, but as I recall the 2-spot was built on the frame of a traveling crane that had been mounted on a flat car. So it had small wheels and could propel itself, but it was only designed to go back and forth about 30' so there was no equalization - hence it regularly derailed. The story I heard was that it was "parted out" when IRM moved to Union and the frame was pitched off the tracks into the ditch by Pettibone Yard.