Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Mizerocki Collection

Back about 1976, Gregg Wolfersheim saved a large collection of old photos from the dumpster and has preserved them ever since.  They cover IRM activities at North Chicago and the very start of construction at Union.  The photographer is thought to be Ed Mizerocki, although we're not sure.   There's more than a hundred of these, and they're all very interesting.  Thanks, Gregg!

I'm leaving on vacation for two weeks, so it will be a while before I am able to scan them all in.  In the meantime, here's a small sampling for your enjoyment!

At North Chicago, the late George Clark poses with Com Ed 5.  This was identical to the Com Ed 4, but had to be scrapped to help pay for the move to Union.

The 966 is being winched by hand along two rails into position to be placed on its trucks.  In the absence of power machinery, muscles did all the work.

On Sept. 12, 1959, Dick Lukin (at left) discusses work on the E223.

At North Chicago, Jeff Brady is covering up windows on the 277 in preparation for sandblasting.

Our mainline right-of-way at Union in 1964.  This is thought to be about where the interchange track comes in.  There was a very short E&B passing siding here, and the old ties were still in place.

Norm Krentel (at left) helps Warren Cobb trim the end of a pole.  We're looking south from the point where the mainline crosses Olson Road; the cars in the distance are parked along Olson.

The IRM right-of-way at Boot Creek, before construction of the trestle started.


Anonymous said...

Also looked at this collection and thought the Museum should scan and preserve as a history. We need the old timers to name the people pictured.

Anonymous said...

When was the 966 detrucked to provide for the NSL 354? Perhaps this photo is that process ?

I know I have seen photo's of the 354 at North Chicago with trucks under it.

Randy Stahl

Hicks Car Works said...

Anon: As soon as I get back, I shall scan them all in and we can identify everybody as a group exercise. We were doing this for fun last Saturday. Just be patient.

Randy: There are two or three pictures in sequence showing the process of putting the body on its trucks when it arrived at North Chicago. I’m sure Jeff will know exactly how this worked,