Friday, December 11, 2020

More Historic Photos from Indiana

 Our friend Art Peterson sends along some more terrific slides from the Krambles-Peterson Archive.  He notes that these slides were subject to less than ideal storage, leading to mold and dirt accumulation, and the next step will be to clean them.   But they're still quite good, I think.  All of these slides were taken by Greg Nicely.

Note!  All photos from the Krambles-Peterson Archive are copyright

and may not be reproduced without permission!

First we have two views of the 308 and 318 after arrival on their own wheels from Wheaton to the Avon yard in Indianapolis.  The 308 has been restored at IRM, and what's left of the 318 is in storage.  Both pictures were taken April 18, 1962.

And here's an interior view of the 318, on April 22, 1962.

Finally, an action shot of IPS 161, one of the 1923 ACF parlor-buffet cars, serving as a diner in Greensburg, Ind.  This view was taken May 15, 1960.

I think I'll have whatever Ray Neuhaus is drinking.

Update: In response to an inquiry, we don't have any exterior pictures of the diner in Greensburg, but here are a couple of pictures of the IPS 161 "Franklin", courtesy of Dave's Railpix.

And let me remind everybody that we certainly encourage comments, but you need to identify yourself.

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