Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Consulting Work

Jack Biesterfeld came over today and asked for some advice on installing curved ceiling panels in the B&M diner he's working on. Here he is examining the first panel, which had been more difficult to install than he had expected. I walked over to the Lester barn to examine the situation, and was glad to make a couple of suggestions based on the experience of installing similar panels in the 309. Just wait till he gets the bill!

To the left we see the dining section of the B&M car, which Jack has restored beautifully. Notice that the ceiling is a completely different style in this part of the car.

Meanwhile I continued painting the ceiling in the 309. The red outlined area shows what was painted. I also did some more sections of belt rail and miscellaneous tasks.

Frank worked on the new doors for the 205. Here's one in the shop with a new coat of primer and the new windows sticks installed.

Over the course of the day the remaining window sticks for the new doors were cut and fitted, and a few original sticks were cut down and fitted to the original doors that are staying with the car as well. The sample of Indiana Railroad Roof Green that had been provided on Sunday was tested against the roof of the 65, found to match, and will now be color-matched. We should be able to paint the roof as soon as the paint arrives, after which roof boards, poles, bases and ventilators can be mounted.

1 comment:

David Wilkins said...


Remember, when you bill Jack for your "consulting" keep track of your time in six minute intervals.....