Saturday, March 20, 2010

More March Madness

The Museum was really hopping today, in spite of the inclement weather! It was difficult to find a place to park in many places. There's a lot going on, so I won't even try to mention everything.

First of all, I noticed that Charlie Strong has made a test application of the Aurora Gray on the 319. These photos don't reproduce the actual appearance of the color at all well, but then we don't think it looks much like it will in natural light. In any case, it's pretty exciting!

Teamwork made a big difference today. I started sanding down the window sills and other parts on the north side of the 319, then Chris Buck took over and finished this job. I also started painting some more of the roof, until Dan Buck arrived and continued until we ran out of paint.

I spent some time in a Car Dept. meeting discussing our plans for the 36. More about that later. And Tom Hunter gave me some more photos from Art Peterson, so I'll be adding those tomorrow.

Al Reinschmidt (L) spent much of the day sanding down all of the rest of the window sills in the 319. And Jim West (R) installed a temporary lighting system that will be very useful. This is really a big improvement.

One of the steps on the 319 got bent out of shape during the move. We bent it back, but it really will never be the same. We'll want to replace it with one from the 321, so Dan and Chris carried the best of the lot over to Barn 4, and scraped off all the loose paint and crud. It needs to be wire-wheeled and then painted.

While Al was sanding down the window sills, I oiled up the rest of the seat backs and worked on miscellaneous parts such as window shades.

Finally, I asked the Buck brothers to clean up these grab irons for the roof of the 319. These parts were missing, but they're essential for safely climbing onto the roof. These are the ones from the 321, so they removed all the old paint, tar, and rusted-out bolts. Thanks a million to everyone who helped out today!


Anonymous said...

so the 321 is becoming a parts donor for the other cars... which is great to get them up and running fast. I just hope that over time we fix or rebuild the broken or missing parts so the 321 can be done as nicely.

Randall Hicks said...

The 321, if it gets back into a barn at all, will be a static display for the foreseeable future. It no longer has traction motors or serviceable trucks, for one thing.

We are hoping that when the next barn is built the 321 can go back inside. We still need lots of money for barn and track space. The track space donations we receive now will enable us to build the next barn.

David Wilkins said...

Right on Randy! This is a good time to also remind our readers that donations to the Illinois Railway Museum are tax-deductible. Consider it a "bonus" you get besides the satisfaction that you are helping preserve important railway history. I made a small donation this past year for the Trolleyville fund, and it sure came in handy when I did my taxes a few weeks ago.

Al Reinschmidt said...

Ya know Randy, I looked at that Aurora Gray yesterday and even given the light inside barn 2 it just looks too gray. As a kid looking at the cars and structures on the CA&E I couldn't decide if it was gray of a very very light blue. Don't see and of that blue tint here. Even as we sanded down the windows from the 319 the blue tint in the gray showed up under the "orange". Hope there is a rethink on this version of the gray before the 319 is completely sprayed.

Randall Hicks said...

This color is a never-ending source of discussion. We have determined that there were at least two variants in use over the years. And no, it's not finalized yet. Charlie is going to go to South Elgin to look at the 458 one of these days, since it was never repainted.

Unknown said...


I repaired a CA&E stool at FRTM. It had all of the colors used by the railroad under the latest paint.

Both types of gray were present. One is much bluer than the other.

I can email them to you if you like. It just might help you.

Gene J

Charlie Strong said...

Yes please send that to Randy he can get that to me. Any help is
greatly appreciated.


Randall Hicks said...

Yes, sorry Gene, I meant to reply to this yesterday. Email me what you have to randallhicks at wideopenwest dot com. Do you still have any physical samples? Thanks!