It may be hard to believe, but it was only about a year ago that rumors started circulating again about the possible disposition of the Trolleyville collection. I can remember a couple of people asking me about this at the annual meeting, which was April 25. I just said we'd heard these rumors before, which was true. And twelve months later, look how much has happened!

But there's still a lot of work to do. So....
I put a first finish coat on three windows plus several window shade tracks. And I worked for a while on the next trolley base without accomplishing very much. The part that adjusts the spring tension is rusted in place and won't come apart, so it will have to be heated.

Mike Alterio made another locking bracket for me; this one is for the 319 (in yellow). I made the other half of it and adjusted it, and it works, as seen here. As long as the car is in the Barn 2 shop it doesn't need to be locked, but it's nice to have this done. Thanks, Mike!

Charlie has been doing some more testing with the Aurora Gray. Here's a section seen with and without flash. So you can't take the color seen under these conditions too seriously. I'm sure it will be correct.

And by the way, I bet you can't tell from this picture (L) which parts were replaced!

I also put a first coat of black on the window sills which had been primed earlier. I'll need a lettering brush to edge these properly for the second coat. Anyway, it looks much better than
when we started.

Mr. Socks finds some unusual places to hang out, doesn't he?

And in other news, IC 201 has been switched out to the east end of Yard 5. The Soo Line caboose seen earlier is now in its place. This presented an opportunity to get a better picture of it. Is it on its way into a barn for better storage?