A psychiatrist might diagnose this as attention-deficit disorder or some such thing: I have trouble finding just one task and sticking to it all day. Instead, it's much easier to do several things for an hour or two each. If you are afflicted with the same problem, maybe we should organize a support group. I'm sure I can find lots of little tasks to keep several people busy!

First, I wanted to check on the 321's tarps after the big storm passed through last night. Everything seemed OK. I recently acquired a couple of ratchet tie-downs and installed them over the tarp. This should help keep the tarp secure, and I plan on installing several more.

While I was out there, Rod and Gerry and several others were switching freight cars in 13 and 14.
You'll wonder where the yellow went....
You'll wonder where the yellow went....

And then there was more paint stripping on the 36.

Finally, the most important project was the floor in the 319's main compartment. I was unable to put on a finish coat before it entered revenue service in May. The primer on the linoleum down the center aisle had gotten dirty, and in some places was worn through. So I cleaned it up with Soilax and put on a second coat, as seen here. The primer on the wood surfaces to either side seems to be fine. Next time, I will start painting the compartment with the finish brown.
The 321 is in good shape externally, although it may never "run" again. (Parts seem to be used for other cars). Is there a long term plan for this car? IE, will it be stored and displayed inside, or is its fate in the "permanently under tarp" mode? I think you said that it was no longer a candidate for restoration, since IRM has three great wood cars (plus a shorty).
Permanently under tarp is not a long-term solution, so I hope it can go inside. One of many reasons we need to construct the next barn.
I have a fair number of those tie down straps, I'll bring them out to you, probably on the 4th.
John Cloos
Thanks, John, that would be very useful!
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