Thursday, November 21, 2013

Top to Bottom

After all the TV excitement, work goes on as usual at the Museum.  The tack molding on the #2 end is complete, so it got a coat of primer.  Then I went along and finished removing all tacks and nails from the flashing for the lower canvas on the north side of the car.

The next thing that needs to be done in order to install the lower canvas is to replace the tack molding at the #1 end.  At this end, there was just one long piece -- about 9' long, and slightly over 12" in width, once I was able to flatten it out.  As you may be able to see, it's pretty rotted out at one end. 

     Then I removed more of the old canvas, and installed and fitted the next corner piece for the lower tack molding.  This takes a while, but the results are worth it.

While we're at it, let's see what Tim is up to.  He's making good progress on the distinctive roof signs for the 24.  

Still a little body and fender work needed on the platform, however....

I ran out of things to do on the 319's roof, since now I need to buy more wood, and turn the car around when I get a chance.  So I turned to a project I've wanted to work on for a while: replacing seat frames in the 309.  We purchased a car's worth of replacements from our friends at Mid-Continent a year ago, but I hadn't gotten around to actually installing them yet.

Here's the old frame removed.  I will be retaining the reupholstered seat back and cushion, and the nicely restored arm rest.  Also the pedestal.

Here's the "new" (from car 300) frame with the seat back installed.  It fits into place perfectly -- nothing like interchangeable parts!
It needs some lubrication, but I didn't have the right stuff on hand.  But the cushion fits easily, so everything should be fine.  This took a little less than two hours to accomplish, so that's encouraging.  I expect that some of the frames will require repair of screw holes in the wainscot, so that will take longer.  Also the arm rests, but those I can do at home.  It's been embarrassing to have the seats fastened together with plastic straps so they can't be reversed, and I hope to have them all in operation by next year's operating season.


Anonymous said...

Nice Work on the cars!

Since this is Interurban corner;do you know of any other Interurban freight trailers like the LSE # 810?

We have the Central California Traction Company #010 at the WRM; but I do not know of any others at the Eastern Museums.

That car type is one rare bird!

Ted Miles,
IRM Member

Randall Hicks said...

Ted: There aren't any others identical to the 810, but there are several other interurban freight trailers in preservation, none of which have been restored. See Frank's list. Seashore has a nicely restored 4-wheel streetcar trailer, which is also a very rare item.

Anonymous said...

The new R&W says that parts of the Johnson collection are being given to the various departments. I know she was a big fan of the C,A &E. Will you be able to use anything in the work you are doing on the various C, A & E Interbrbans?

Ted Miles
IRM Member

Randall Hicks said...

Ted: Sure. Everything has been carefully inventoried, and Frank and I have been able to go through the list and identify anything we might need for our restoration work. We owe a lot of thanks to Ray and Julie and the others who worked on cataloging this huge collection of various items.