Today's Trolley Pageant was a great success, in most people's opinion. We had an excellent crowd of visitors, and nearly everything went well, and kept on schedule. We need to thank all those who worked hard and planned ahead to make this possible.
The three-car blue train was operating in revenue service for the first time. Isn't it stunning?
Henry Vincent was the conductor, and Larry Stone the trainman. I was too busy to take any pictures during operation, but Chuck Amstein will have lots of great photos for us, I'm sure!
Later, I was the conductor on the IT 101. And after that, there was time for riding the cars.
The West Towns 141 was popular with visitors. This is a tremendous achievement on the part of Frank Sirinek and many others. Here Frank is running the car with a full load.
And here the car is stopped next to our reproduction West Towns car stop shelter. What could be more authentic?
Frank Hicks was running the 144, and later in the day, here he is on the Vera Cruz open car. That's always a fun ride.
And then I went for a ride on CA&E 460. We met the 1630 at Johnson, which gave several photographers a unique chance for pictures.
The Track Dept. guys brought out the Milwaukee Road inspection car for display. Somehow my picture of it vanished into the ether. But it attracted a lot of attention, and we had a donation box there, so that can only help.
On the whole, I'd say this new format for the Trolley Pageant was a significant improvement. At least it was nice not to get stuck down at the east end for three or four hours!
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