Monday, May 23, 2022

The latest on CTA 9631

Thanks to Richard Schauer for sending along this update of progress on our CTA trolley bus:

After stopping by the body shop last week and finding no progress, I saw that this week they had made a new panel for the curb-side rear compartment door.  This is not the same piece that they had made for it last November, but a fresh piece; I don't know why they went this route.

They also took off the street-side door skin.  They had said they wanted to avoid this, but evidently it was necessary.  I spoke with one of the owners about the rivets, and she confirmed my suspicions that they were having much more trouble than they thought to get the unusual rivets required.  We discussed other ways of achieving the desired result, considering that the total number of rivets to be replaced is fairly
small- perhaps a couple dozen, plus another couple dozen of another small round-headed type that should be easier to find.

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