Thursday, October 27, 2022

Thursday Notebook

Thursday was another typical workday at the car shop, with nice weather and plenty to do.  Let's view the 1808 team's activities first.

Tim was making new front window frames for the car.  

Here we see Mike needle-chipping one of the trucks.

And Frank K. continues to make good progress on the interior, although he left before I could get him in the picture.

And then, of course, there's the 460.  In the morning I did some more ironing, rechecked measurements for the trolley boards, and cleaned up some of the metal parts for the roof.  But once it warmed up enough to paint, I was able to put another coat on most of the car before running out of paint.  I'll need another two gallons or so.  But with a new coat of paint, it looks pretty good.  If I may say so myself, almost a work of modern art.

"Dark Arch #3"
Oil on canvas, Randall Hicks, 2022.

The east end still needs paint, and I'll need to finish the lower edges at the tack moldings with a brush, but it's going along well.


Anonymous said...

You and everyone involved here are just amazing. Cannot believe all incredible restoration done here and through IRM. And thanks for keeping us up to date with this great blog!

Anonymous said...

Hello it’s Michael Hudoc…Working along side of Tim is AMAZING:)))))…he has a vision and a goal to achieve. I think the 1808 is going to be his best project ever!!!!