Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Tuesday Report

On Tuesday, the first priority was to check out the possible problem with the 36.  After thorough inspection and testing, we decided that there was no mechanical problem, so that's good news.  The car is cleared for service again.   Gerry Dettloff helped with this process.

A lot of other things were going on back in Barn 4, but I didn't get much of a chance to capture them.   Jim the new guy was hard at work again on needle-chipping the 306 trucks.  That's a job I hate, but he keeps blasting along.

Meanwhile, John was doing more work on the interior parts, and he and Norm discussed the wiring of the car.  Because so many changes to the electrical system were made at Shaker Heights, it's quite a puzzle.

As you might expect, Tim continued rebuilding the floor of the 1808, and Mike was working on the seat frames.  And that's just in Barn 4.  There were several people working over in 10 and 11, and the contractors were hard at work on grading and moving rails, and I don't know what else.  Seldom a dull moment!

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