Friday, April 26, 2024

Frenetic Fenestration

The framing around the west window on the Jewell Road building was in bad condition, so I've started rebuilding it to a limited extent.  It's going along pretty well.  On Thursday I brought out several new pieces made at home, cut them to size as necessary, and installed them, after removing most of the old wood, which was mostly rotten.  I have more to do on the window.  Also, note that the two long siding pieces above the window will be replaced.  While I was working, Andy wandered by, taking a break from working on his caboose, and helped by holding up the next siding piece so it could be marked for recutting.

But I found myself wishing I could just roll the shelter into one of the barns.  Like the 1808, for instance...

Among other things, Tim has been painting the new siding pieces.   This is the brown primer.  I think.

John has been polishing up and cleaning all of the conduit pieces for the 306, as seen here.  

I don't remember doing this for any of my cars, but then they never wound up at Shaker Heights either.

Finally, in the new barn area we have just two of the several IT cars that will be on display and in operation this Saturday for the IT meet.  Let's hope the sun shines on this worthy endeavor.


Ted Miles said...

I am glad to see you decided to put glass into the two windows in the Jewell Road waiting room; The other shelters I have seen at another museum have glass in the windows. And the IT
cars are going to be popular, I am sure!

TM IRM Member

Anonymous said...

Conduit needs to be refreshed after 100 years of rusting and painting. Want to have safest 600 volt experience under their bottoms

Tim Fennell said...

Yikes, better tell the first-aid coordinator to order extra bandages because there's going to be a lot of the cuts with 415 looking that sharp!

Ted Miles said...

On second thought; that Jewel Road Shelter looks os good, I hope you put in a place that is protected from vandals and taggers. TM still an IRM member