Monday, April 1, 2024

Museum Within a Museum

You know, with a little imagination we could have a fantastic museum of contemporary art, out in the material yard.

Something like this:

I personally prefer art from the Middle Ages, but that's just me.


Anonymous said...

Somewhere, I think it might have been in the outskirts of Ely, I saw a "landscape artists" work that was a vertical left hand switch made out of 90 lb rail. And also recall the artist that proposed making a full size replica NYC Hudson hanging vertically somewhere in Los Angeles. These people can be paid lots of money and a gob of people will ooh and ahh around it (well at least posed for the promo photos).

Randall Hicks said...

Exactly. When I see things like this, I'm always a little envious that I'm not creative enough to think up something so crazy. Guess I'll just have to stick with restoration.