Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Name That Face

Ray Piesciuk recently scanned a photo that depicts quite a few IRM members. We're hoping you can identify more of them! We'd also be interested in knowing what and where event this was, if anyone in the photo remembers. This is thought to have been Howard Odinius’s funeral in April 1973. The copy below has everyone numbered.
So far, we have:

1 - Warren Cobb
2 - Bob Opal
3 - Jon Fenlaciki
4 - Bill Nedden
5 - George Clark?
6 - George Krambles
7 - Dick Lukin
8 - Jeff Brady
9 - Ralston Taylor?
10 - Howard Weege
11 - Bill McGregor
12 - Dan Gornstein
13 - Ray Neuhaus
14 - Don Weege
15 - Bob Kutella
16 - Tom Jervan
18 - John Woytash?
19 - Herb Hanson
20 - John Horachek
21 - Ralph Weege?
22 - Steve Hawley Michaels
24 - Glenn Andersen
25 - Frank Jur
26 - Mark Secco
28 - Pete Schmidt?
29 - Jim Johnson
30 - Jerry Lynn
31 - Ed Mizerocki
32 - Bob Gibson
33 - John Myhre
34 - Bill Wulfert
35 - Dave Shore
36 - Bob Walker
37 - Phil Hehn
38 - Ed Arnold
39 - Bob Konsbruck
40 - Bob Rayunec

Also, if you enjoy this sort of thing and remember back a few years, we still have some mystery faces in this photo from 1989.


Ray Schmid said...

I recognize #19 as Herb Hansen, one of our past presidents.
Ray Schmid

Ray Schmid said...

Just noticed #26 looks like Mark Secco.

Les Ascher said...

#1 looks like Warren Cobb

sd45elect2000 said...

#4 is Bill Nedden

R Stahl

Anonymous said...

Its been ages since I have seen any of you, and this photo is from an era a decade before I got really active. Possibly #32 is Jim Blower, and #33 could be Dave Conrad, but forgive me if I am all wrong. The Glenn Andersen id seems correct. I would think that Al Simms should be in this photo, but I cannot depict him. Based on https://www.irm.org/gallery/membersday1971/aal I think 16 is a guy named Crosby, and 18 is Dennis Dougherty. Is Doug Oakes in the photo? Randy Anderson? Nick Kallas?
Pictures of reunions like these happen at funerals, sadly. Was it for Howard Odinius?
O. Anderson

Anonymous said...

Also #22 looks like Hawley.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I am pretty sure #32 is Bob Gibson. Is Bill McGregor in the photo or Frank Sirinek?

Anonymous said...

Maybe #9 is Charlie King.

Ray Schmid said...

#33 looks like John Meyer

Bill Wulfert said...

I'm pretty sure this was taken after the Howard Odinius funeral. The "SPECIAL ISSUE: MUSEUM FOUNDER PASSES AWAY" as shown on page 36 of the IRM Rail & Wire "Centennial Issue". It says: he passed away April 25 (that would be 1973).

Bill Wulfert

Ray Schmid said...

John Meyer not Myhre

Frank Hicks said...

Nick didn’t think that was John Myhre either. Who is/was John Meyer?

Randall Hicks said...

I would accept John Myhre as #33. I don’t believe there ever was a John Meyer, people just assumed that’s how his name was spelled.

Les Ascher said...

Is #38 Ed Arnold?
Also: early on at IRM John Meyer spelled his name Meyer. At some point, he changed the spelling of his name to reflect his Scandinavian heritage. Whether it was a legal name change or just on IRM records, I don't know, but it was very important to him.

Randall Hicks said...

Thanks, Les, I didn't know that. Anyway, we're all talking about the same person.