Monday, August 5, 2024

Behind the Scenes

Frank and I cannot be everywhere at once, but we have friends who can!  Another exciting behind-the-scenes report from Buzz Morisette:

Bob A. and Greg W. worked in the heat last Wednesday to get the ramps and display lighting put back in Barn 3.

The CNW Tool Car is nearing completion out in Barn 14.  Note that the CNW heralds are reflective.

I also took a couple of selfies showing that I can transfer and hand paint lettering, as long as the job is sufficiently small.

We have three bulkheads for the 306. One was stripped, without a number. Gerry was guessing that it came from a scrapped car, perhaps 302?

Tim helps display the repainted 306 bulkhead.

Finally, Dave D. has commissioned two replacement under-counter cabinets for the O’Mahony diner. They are also nearing completion.


Frank Hicks said...

I bet the 302 is right; it was scrapped at Trolleyville around the time the 306 came to IRM. There are photos of the 302 taken by Gregg Wolfersheim at

Ted Miles said...

I am glad to see work going on with the Mahoney diner. I watched a video about moving one with a crane recently and I eat in them every chance I get.

TM retired but still an IRM Member