Monday, August 12, 2024

Sunday Update

Frank writes...

The weather was gorgeous on Sunday, sunny and in the 70s. I had hoped to roll vermilion/orange onto Shaker Heights 63, but when I stopped by the paint store to pick up the paint I'd ordered, I was told it's back-ordered and hadn't come in. Rats. So, instead, I decided to paint more seats in the 18.
I only got two more seat backs done; they take about an hour each, not counting opening up the car, masking, and cleanup. Above, the rearmost seat on the left side of the car with the cushion removed and masking applied.
Here's a photo just after starting. The fresh paint certainly makes a big difference.
And here it is, done. That was as exciting as watching paint dry, wasn't it?
Here's a general view of the back half of the car. There's another cross-seat out of sight at bottom left that had already been painted, and the second seat in this section is visible with masking tape; I painted that seat back after taking the photo. About one-third of all the cross seats in the car now have their backs painted (and all but one of the cushions were previously painted by Frank Kehoe). After doing all this, I spent some time cleaning up stuff, including moving the unused spare parts from the Eclipse fender project back into storage.
So, what else was happening? A few of the regulars were out of town and others were helping with Diesel Days. I didn't get any photos because, well, they're diesels. But I did spot this intriguing sight in Barn 4: car 1808 in the background, Tim's current "big project," is next to car 1268 in the foreground. Both cars have their windows out. What the devil could he be up to? You'll just have to tune in next time to find out.
And an unexpected highlight was that after leaving the museum and calling my wife, she reminded me to pull over somewhere without a lot of light pollution to check out the Perseid meteor shower and the northern lights. I was rewarded with a single meteor that streaked overhead and took the above photo of the northern lights from the shoulder of Coral Road.

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