Today marks the sixty eighth anniversary of the entry of the United States into the World War II. As you know, the war began with the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. This past October, Katy and I visited Pearl Harbor and the U.S.S. Arizona Memorial during our honeymoon. For both of us, it was a "must see" on the trip. The memorial is a solemn reminder of those who perished on the Arizona that day. The visit that day reminded me of the epitaph Kohmia 2nd Division Memorial, commemorating the dead of the British and Commonwealth Armies who repulsed the Japanese invasion of India in 1944. The epitaph reads:
"When You Go Home, Tell Them of Us and Say,
For Their Tomorrow, We Gave Our Today"

Thanks, and well-said, David. Too many of us will simply go about our business today without stopping for a moment of thoughtful prayer.
Thanks also to Randy and Frank for the great reports and photography that we all look forward to so much. Almost as good as being there.
And on the night of October 25, 1944, in the Philippine waterway of Surigao Strait...the survivors of Battleship Row had their revenge.
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