For a big juicy helping of Christmas goose, we have article from a reader in Colorado with a local background. He has some questions regarding his local historical society's restoration of one of the famous Galloping Geese, and hopes we can help. In any case, it's an interesting story:
Hi, I'm Joe Becker, a former resident of the Chicago area who recently
"retired" to southwest Colorado. I grew up in Niles Illinois, in a model
railroading family, raised a family in Deerfield Illinois, across from the
railroad station, and after retirement, settled in Dolores Colorado, home of
Galloping Goose #5.

Galloping Goose #5 is rail car/rail bus constructed by the Rio Grande
Southern Railroad (RGS) in the 1930's to haul passengers and the mail through
the San Juan mountains of Colorado. The railroad constructed seven "Geese", and
ran them until they stopped operations in the early 1950's. Surprisingly,
all are still in existence, and all are in running condition. Goose #5 was
purchased in 1953 from the scrapper by the Dolores Rotary Club. It sat in the
local town park, maintained by RGS retirees. It eventually deteriorated and the
town threatened to scrap it as an eye sore. A local community group was
organized in Dolores Colorado in the late 1980's, called the Galloping Goose
Historical Society (GGHS), to restore the goose. The society first built a
replica of the original Dolores depot for their base of operation. They
successfully restored Goose #5 to running condition in 1998. It currently runs
500-800 miles a year on special excursions on the Durango & Silverton
Railroad and the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad. The railroad station was
later reorganized into a RGS railroad museum. Attached are three photos taken
of Galloping Goose #5 taken during the 2014 excursion season.

My wife and I have become an active members of GGHS as museum docents. I
soon began filling various other voids within the organization, doing building
maintenance, becoming a motorman trainee, and then as treasurer of the
organization. My wife Jeanne became the newsletter editor and their grant
writer. GGHS this year has been successful in obtaining some grant money to do
some much needed goose repairs. Goose #5 has 1940's cane seats from the City of
Denver street cars in its rear passenger compartment. These seats were twice
restored and have again deteriorated. The seat restoration work, both times,
was done by a local upholsterer, who has since, gone out of business. GGHS
is looking for perhaps, a more durable solution. Do you have any ideas or
suggestions? Some thought was given that a plastic cane material would be more
durable, but its obviously not authentic. Dolores Colorado has a semi-desert
climate which is hard on anything organic. I remember the South Shore Railroad
had cane seating in their old orange commuter cars. Was maintenance an issue
for them as well? Is cane seating maintenance an issue at IRM?
Goose #5 also has four 24 x 80 inch windows in its rear passenger
compartment. RGS used only oil cloth for window covering during inclement
weather. During restoration, unframed heavy plexi-glass inserts were used. The
plexi-glass is currently held in place by storm window thumb screws. When not
in use, these inserts are placed between the car seats and the body. These are
badly scratched banging around and need replacement. A better window needs to
be engineered, but appropriate to the "bailing wire" standard the RGS used when
constructing their geese. Do you have any suggestions for a more durable
material? Would framed tempered glass be an option? Is acrylic more scratch
resistant? Are there any current "window" railroad standards? Perhaps a 24 x
80 window could be divided into two 24 x 40 windows to reduce the individual
window weight.
GGHS also has a 1890's Jackson and Sharp narrow gauge passenger car
sitting in the weeds waiting restoration. Hopefully, that project is only a
couple of years down the road...

I have fond memories of the North Shore Railroad. My Dad took his three
sons on a ride on the Electroliner to North Chicago and back on a self-styled
fan trip. I remember sitting on the front seat watching the motorman's
speedometer hit 100 mph on the Skokie Valley Line. I remember walking through
the stored interurban cars at Upton Junction before they were scrapped. Our Dad
also took us to the precursor of the IRM when it was located next to a hardware
manufacturer in North Chicago. Later, we had our annual family picnic at the
IRM in Union.
Any comments concerning our current maintenance projects would be
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