Sunday, November 14, 2021

Saturday Report

 However much snow may come our way, we're ready!  The UP rotary was staged on Station 2 this morning, and it's certainly a stunning sight.

And then, IRM's first steam locomotive has recently been repainted, and it's never looked better.

Saturday was another busy day at IRM, and I'm sure I missed a lot of what was going on.

Be that as it may, it was cold out, so I decided to get to work in the shop.  New saddles were cut out and fit, so four out of the five on the #1 end are now more or less complete.  The last one was taken home for work.

I got some help from a new member, Riley, who is seen here painting the saddles at the #2 end.

And I topped off the water in the container for the roof slats.  In a week or two, they should be ready to be steamed and bent into shape.

Meanwhile, Tim was stripping the paint from the motorman's cab door on the 2872.

And by the end of the day, it looked like this:

The Fenlaciki Car Company are at work on the roof of the 65, and here they ponder the wiring diagram:

Finally, the B&G crew were installing parts of the clerestory roof on the diner:

This place is getting too big.  I could see that there were cars parked around the MPB building for work on the model railroads, and I'm sure there was a crowd out at Barns 10 and 11.  And then there's the Steam Shop, the track crew, the bus and Diesel Departments, and so on, but they'll just have to speak for themselves.  I can't do it all.  :)

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