Friday, January 13, 2023

Control Jumpers

Since I recently had another GE control jumper to fix, I decided I might as well convert my usual sloppy sketches into a more professional-looking diagram for future reference.  And then, it's easy to make the modifications for other types.  These have now been added at the bottom of our reference post about MU Control Circuits.  These jumpers are essential to running MU trains, but they often have a hard life.

As for Westinghouse jumpers, the only diagram we had on hand with the necessary information was for the IRR 205, which used a WH 449-F jumper.  That's been added, but I still need the wiring color code.  And I don't even know whether this is the type used on the North Shore, which would be much more useful, of course.  So I'm hoping some of our readers can help direct me to this information.  I'd like to have diagrams for all the different types we actually use.  Thanks!



North Shore Line control jumpers are listed on drawing CRS-1671 as 449-F
On Westinghouse Drawing 324113 it is listed as Type 449-M
The difference is the outer shell of the plug. All other parts Contacts, Wedges & Springs are the same.

Randall Hicks said...

Thanks, Fred, that's good to know!