Saturday, January 14, 2023

Milwaukee 441 update

Thanks to Richard Schauer for sending this update of progress on Milwaukee trolley bus 441, which is having a complete exterior restoration done by an off-site contractor thanks to funding from a small group of generous donors.

Work is continuing on 441 fairly rapidly.  As you'll see in the pictures, the rear bumper is now done, including the replacing the rotten piece underneath the curb-side wraparound.  In fact, the entire rear end of the bus is done below the belt rail.  They replaced the battery box door with new metal, although I'm not sure why, and the guy who did it was tied up and not available to talk.

The entire street side is well along and largely done in most places. Work on the curb side has progressed up to and including the rear doors. The curb side is a little worse in condition than the street side, although nothing like 9631 was.

Not much else to say, except good, steady progress.

1 comment:

Wally Unglaub said...

Will they be replacing the black and white striped flag that the driver would flip out when he was pulling away from the curb? I know that it is / was missing.