Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Tuesday Testimonial

Another busy Tuesday at the Museum results in more progress on our long-term projects.  While this may not be as crowd-pleasing as our winter weekend celebrations, it's what we've got today.

Around the shop, we see all the many parts that need to be restored piece by piece.   These are the window shade tracks, as I call them, for the 306.

The numerous window frames for the 1808 are being produced tirelessly by Tim.

He always comes up with ways to store things more efficiently.

John continues to build the windows needed for the 36.   We'll see more of this later.

The North Shore guys took today off, but they haven't been idle.  I believe these are the next two doors for the 757.

And Steve spent some time sand-blasting parts for the Liner.  Pax makes sure nobody gets in the way of progress.  Also, Ed Oslowski stopped by to say hello, and talked with us about how well everything went over the weekend.  Work on the Liner continues.

And I should mention that Gerry and Jim were at work too, but I didn't get any pictures.   Sorry!

As for me, it was too cold in the barn for painting or caulking, but there's plenty more to do.  Here the roof fuse box has been installed.  It's somewhat deteriorated, but should still be functional.  On these cars, the roof fuse only carries current when the car is connected to others via the bus jumpers, and we only use these as a last resort in emergencies.  So it will be painted later, and shouldn't be a problem.

And I nailed in more leather straps to keep the cables in place.  Just call me the Cable Guy.

John has been cutting a lot of glass for the 306 windows, and has become quite skillful.  As a demonstration, here's a piece of spare glass that he cut into an amazing curved shape.  I don't imagine there are many other pharmacists who can do things like this.  I sure can't!

Gregg stopped in to paint some more pieces of siding for the 1702.  (I think...)

Back on top of the 460, the other trolley hook was installed, and the bus cable is now completely connected.

The fuse box and lighting arrestor are installed, and all of the cables are now in place, although there are some connections that still need to be made, after the bases are installed.

Finally, John showed me one of the finished windows installed on the 306.  We're looking under the tarp that covers the car for heating purposes, so the lighting isn't the best, but this is really going to be sharp.


Anonymous said...

Did new brake shoes for Cleveland 18 get completely funded? What is the status of this brake shoe effort? Chris Wagner

Frank Hicks said...

Thanks for asking - the brake shoes for car 18 are on order and the most recent communication from the foundry, from a couple of weeks ago, was that they were hoping to do the pour next week. They had hoped to get the brake shoes done late last year but supply chain issues and other delays have pushed the timetable back a bit.