Thursday, June 8, 2023

Midweek News

Frank writes...

Many thanks to Joel for sending along the below photo, showing progress made this week on painting Fox River Electric 306. With all the new windows, and now fresh paint, it's really looking great!
And from Carina comes the below photo of the article about IRM's 70th anniversary in the July issue of Trains Magazine. The article was written by yours truly - thanks to Nick for the opportunity! - so make sure you pick up your copy today if you're not a subscriber. It includes some really great photos of museum operations, including shots by Carina and Jamie along with a bunch by Kalmbach photographers. It's suitable for framing and serves handily as a family heirloom or makeshift drink coaster.


Kirk L. Warner said...

Will the 306 be operational for the July 1 parade, even if all of the interior is not complete?

Anonymous said...

The car is not currently operational. The controllers are out of the car and still need to reconditioned. The brake stands are being rebuilt. All of the wiring needs to be replaced. New doors are being built. Gerry D