Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Early Days at Trolleyville

Art Peterson just sent us some great slides taken by Bill Vigrass in June, 1965 at the new Brookins trolley museum in North Olmsted, which later became Trolleyville.  Good photos of the early days there are hard to find, and these are cars which are now at IRM, so they're quite interesting.  Our thanks to Art for this opportunity to share them with you!

JW Vigrass photos, courtesty Krambles-Peterson Archive.
  Do not reproduce without permission.

My comments:  The line was built before the mobile homes started to appear, so the scenery is completely different from what most of us remember.  The 36 and 451 had already been repainted to Gerry's specifications, but the 409 is still in its final paint scheme from Wheaton.

In the fourth picture, car 2223 is actually Cincinnati Street Railway #2227.  When it was converted to a sand car, it was renumbered S223, and when it was later preserved by the Electric Railroader's Association, it was easier to change S223 to 2223.  It was then changed back to 2227 while at Trolleyville, and is now at the Pennsylvania Trolley Museum.

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