This will be brief. Yesterday John Faulhaber needed to attach some more straps to the tarp over the Dallas PCC, which we're storing out in Yard 14 for our friends at McKinney, so Simon and I helped him with that. And while I was in the neighborhood, I dropped in on the 321. Too bad I didn't have my camera.
Later, John helped me drill the 3/4" mounting holes in the new third-rail beams for the 36. Thanks! If we can ever dig the hardware out of our storage trailer, these will be mounted on the car.

And I painted a window, took some measurements, and did other miscellaneous tasks. Meanwhile, in the rest of the Museum it was sort of a lull between the two Thomas weekends.
I recall a couple of years ago you made a salvage expedition to the Rockhill Trolley Museum to acquire some more third rail hardware.
Do you still have enough to do the #36?
There are so many details!
Ted Miles
Distant IRM Member
Actually, that was 15 years ago, Ted! Frank had just gotten his driver's license. How time flies! That particular trip gave us enough hardware to complete the 321, now on the 319.
We got enough third-rail hardware from Trolleyville to do all but one of our CA&E cars. There's a lot of loading and unloading that must be done, but eventually we'll be able to make a set of third-rail beams for all the cars.
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