It may not be obvious from interior photos, but the interior of the 36 is painted in two slightly different shades of tan. When displayed in bright sunlight, however, the contrast is clear. Yesterday I drove up to Des Plaines to get both colors matched. The seat arm is the only part painted in the lower color that can easily be removed. The upper color I need right now for window frames.

And along the lines of our discussion of Camp Epworth, about a mile east of downtown Des Plaines is an old Methodist campground that is still somewhat active. On the north side, facing the tracks, is this disused entrance/waiting shelter. I wonder if the C&NW dinkies ever made local stops here?
The Q had dinkies, and the CNW had scoots. I honestly don't know if the camp was a stop.
What a nifty waiting shelter. In a perfect world, it would make for a neat entrance to the grounds of IRM as a admissions entrance.
Oh. I guess I knew that, but I grew up in Burlington territory, so the term dinky just comes naturally.
My C&NW Ry Wisconsin Division Suburban Service schedule dated September 27, 1953 still has Reference Mark "P Stops also at Des Plaines Camp Grounds." Looks like 3 trains daily Ex. Sat. and 1 or 2 on Sun. Guess you had to ride United Motor Coach on Saturdays! Bill Wulfert
Thankds, Bill, that's just what we wanted to know! There must have been at least a platform along the tracks which is long gone.
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